Agilent TapeStation 4150

The Agilent Tapestation 4150 is an automated gel electrophoresis platform, for QC and analysis of both DNA and RNA. In the Core facility it is mainly used for accessing the size of NGS library preparations, as part of the pre-sequencing quality control. However, the instrument is also capable of determining RNA and genomic DNA integrity (RIN and DIN), as a quality control of the input material for NGS library preps. The TapeStation has a low quantitative accuracy and should therefore not be used to measure DNA and RNA concentrations.


Samples/run 1-16
Sample vol. 1-2 µl
DNA size range 35 kp - 60 Kbp
DNA loading conc. 5 pg/µL to 100 ng/µL
RNA size range 100 - 1000 nt
RNA loading conc. 100 pg/µL to 500 ng/µL
Runtime/sample 1-2 min. (16 samples in 20 min.)
Quantitative accuracy ±20%


The above mentioned specifications are in most cases dependent on the ScreenTape (gel) that is used. The ScreenTapes comes in several different versions. As a service, High sensitivity Screentapes (D1000 and D5000) will be available for purchase at the Core facility. If any other ScreenTapes are needed, the users will have to purchase them directly from Agilent.