
The ImageStreamX Mk II System is a benchtop, multispectral, imaging flow cytometer designed for the acquisition of up to 12 channels of cellular imagery. By collecting large numbers of digital images per sample and providing a numerical representation of image-based features, the ImageStreamX Mk II combines the per cell information content provided by standard microscopy with the statistical significance afforded by large sample sizes common to standard flow cytometry. With the ImageStreamX Mk II System, fluorescence intensity measurements are acquired as with a conventional flow cytometer; however, the best applications for the ImageStreamX Mk II take advantage of the system’s imaging abilities to locate and quantitate the distribution of signals on in or between cells.



  • 405 (120mW)
  • 488 (200mW)
  • 561 (200mW)
  • 642 (150mW)

Optical system

The optical system works slight different on an ImageStream compared to a flow cytometer. The blue and yellow lasers are co-linear as well as the violet and red lasers. That means that output from two co-linear lasers are detected in the same channels, in other words, when you plan the experiment a given channel can only have input from one of the two lasers.
Channel 1 is always used for brightfield detection off the blue laser but you can also choose to have the brightfield detection in channel 9, off the violet laser, for better resolution.

  • Detection of 13 FL-parameters
  • Detection of brightfield
  • Detection of darkfield (SSC)

Blue laser detection (488 nm)*

  • Ch2 528/65 nm FITC
  • Ch3 577/35 nm PE
  • Ch4 610/30 nm PE-TexasRed
  • Ch5 702/85 nm PerCP-Cy5.5
  • Ch6 762/35 nm PE-Cy7

Red laser detection (642 nm)*

  • Ch11 702/85 nm APC
  • Ch12 762/35 nm APC-Cy7

Violet laser detection (405 nm)*

  • Ch7 457/45 nm BV421
  • Ch8 537/65 nm BV510
  • Ch9 582/25 nm BV570, Brightfield
  • Ch10 610/30 nm BV605
  • Ch11 702/85 nm BV650, BV711
  • Ch12 762/35 nm BV785

Yellow/green laser detection (561 nm)*

  • Ch3 577/35 nm PE, Alexa Fluor 546
  • Ch4 610/30 nm mCherry
  • Ch5 702/85 nm PE-Cy5
  • Ch6 762/35 nm PE-Cy7

* Each color is just an example, you should ensure that you are using the right colors by checking the filter setting.

Darkfield (SSC) laser (785 nm)

  • Ch6 or Ch12 used for SSC detection, optional


The AutoSampler option enhances productivity with unattended sample loading from 96 well plates.


60X / 40X / 20X magnification. The MultiMag option provides 20X and 60X objective lenses, in addition to the standard 40X objective, for greater experimental flexibility and improved resolution. 

Extended Depth of Field

A unique optical system upgrade for the ImageStreamX Mk II Cytometer keeps the depth of cell in focus without loss of fluorescence sensitivity. Now you can image FISH spots or other sub-cellular features, no matter where they lie in the cell.