
FACS Calibur

The FACS Calibur is the oldest instrument in the facility, but very easy to use for new users of flowcytometry. With its relatively simple software and 4 colors to analyze the instrument provide a good first choice for new users.



  • Blue air-cooled argon laser (488 nm, 50 mW)
  • Red diode laser (635 nm)

Optical system

  • Detection of 6 FL-parameters
  • Detection of forward scatter light (FSC) with photo diode
  • Direction of side scatter light (SSC) and fluorescence signal towards PMTs

Blue laser detection (488 nm)*

  • 530/30 nm FITC
  • 585/42 nm PE
  • 666/98 nm PE-Cy5

Red laser detection (633 nm)*

  • 661/16 nm APC


Check the reference guide including a guide to setting up the color combination or use the more comprehensive list of available fluorochromes.

* Each color is just an example, you should ensure that you are using the right colors by checking the filter setting.