GMO2 work in the facility

You can work with BSL2 and GMO2 organisms in the facility, since we have two sorters (FACSMelody and Symphony S6) housed in biosafety cabinet. Thus you can sort or analyze samples from individual tubes (not microtiter plates), but only of these two instruments. We reserves the right to refuse to work with some microorganisms if we fill it may harm the instruments of the work environment.

Before you start the work we need to approve it, and in case you are working on your own, train you in the facilities rules. It is your responsibility to include our facility in your GMO2 permission.

We need a valid notification for ‘Arbejdstilsynet’ (AT) for BSL2 work or a valid GMO2 permission from AT on record, before we can start the approval process. One user can have more than one permit, and many users can work under the same permit, but we need to establish what permission you are going to work under. The permit holder do not need to be user in the facility

Please provide the requested information below. See example of permission from AT.

If you have questions please contact us at

Fields marked with * are required.

Personal information
GMO2 permission
Date format is DD-MM-YYYY
If more than one person separate with comma
Upload your permission
Gennemse Select the file you received from AT, see example above